Hefty® Trash Time Out

You deserve a break. Our team of top Trash Experts are here to help you through it.

Studies show time outside can help relieve stress and boost happiness. And let's be honest, couldn't we all use more ways to manage our stress?

Enter the #HeftyTrashTimeOut. The perfect excuse to step outside and escape a stressful situation, simply by taking out your trash.

Just choose Listen, Breathe, or Rage below and take a minute to leave it all by the can, and reset for anything that comes your way.

Choose how to enjoy your Trash Time Out below:


Keep your phone unlocked to find some trash-side Zen.


Keep your phone unlocked for a deep breathing exercise.


Kekep your phone unlocked for a cathartic solo head-banging sesh.


Hefty® Ultra Strong Trash Bags give you the strength to nail it when you need it most.


John Cena holding a white Hefty trash bag

The content provided is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. This is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment related to stress management or mental health. If you are experiencing extreme stress, anxiety, or any mental health concerns, we strongly encourage you to seek help from a qualified and licensed mental health professional.