Woman walking into garage and placing an orange Hefty ReNew Bag in a recycling bin

Hefty® Responsibility and Impact

Partnering for change

Across the United States, Hefty® partners with communities and recycling facilities to help give new life to hard-to-recycle plastics and keep them out of landfills. But our efforts don’t stop there. We constantly seek new ways to recover plastics and expand the Hefty ReNew™ Program to reduce our environmental impact. With everyone working together, every small effort can make a big impact as we ReThink ReCycling with ReNew™.

The Hefty® Responsibility—our commitment

We take responsibility for this recycling program very seriously. We strive to:

Keep more plastics out of landfills

We work to ensure the hard-to-recycle plastics you collect are repurposed. 

Seek better ways to renew plastic

We pursue new ways to turn hard-to-recycle plastics into new materials and products, prioritizing mechanical end markets.  

Support participants and communities

We offer education and tools to help support a positive impact of the Program in your community. 

Expand access to the Program

We aim to make the Program available to as many communities as we can. 

Be transparent and accountable

We collaborate with partners to review and measure our processes to ensure they’re better for the environment. 

tons of hard to recycle plastics diverted from landfills*
2.3 million
households with curbside recycling have access to the Hefty ReNew Program

Environmental impacts of the Hefty ReNew™ Program

What do hard-to-recycle plastics become? 

When you participate in the Hefty ReNew Program and use the orange bags to collect hard-to-recycle plastics, you’re helping to turn more plastic into new products instead of trash! Our Program focuses on mechanical end markets—places where eligible collected materials are used to create new products. We partner closely with our local community leaders to find the best ways to process these hard-to-recycle plastics. Here are some examples of end markets used by the Program: 

Plastic lumber

See how one of our partners takes the hard-to-recycle plastics and turns them into lumber. 

Landscaping and outdoor uses

Some partners turn the plastics into park benches, sheds, privacy fencing, landscaping, and dumpster enclosures.

Construction materials

Processed plastic makes materials for buildings, green roofing, and bus shelters.

Coal substitute for cement manufacturing

The Hefty ReNew Program focuses on mechanical end markets. However, sometimes, the plastics collected in the Program aren’t suitable for mechanical end markets because they are contaminated or have other issues. We send plastic waste to cement kilns as a coal substitute in these cases. This method prevents plastics from going to landfills and helps reduce greenhouse gases. In every case, we work with local community leaders to decide how to process hard-to-recycle plastics.

* Since program inception through September 2024

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) highlights

We conduct a third-party, peer-reviewed LCA every two years in the spirit of our commitment to transparency and accountability. Our LCA reports help us determine the environmental impacts of end-of-life (EOL) options for Hefty® ReNew® Orange Bag materials compared to sending them to landfills. The green segments represent areas where the EOL option yields better environmental benefits compared to the landfill baseline, and the gray areas represent indicators where the landfill baseline is preferable to the EOL solution. The full LCA report provides more detailed findings.

net environmental impact chart

FAQs about the Hefty ReNew™ Program and its environmental impacts

What is the vetting process to ensure the environmental soundness of future Hefty ReNew Program activities?  

With the help of third-party environmental experts, the Hefty ReNew team thoroughly screens all entities interested in becoming a Hefty ReNew partner. A prospective Program partner is approved only if it passes our high standards for company ownership, stability, environmental and regulatory compliance, and other important criteria.

Which end markets does the Program use and why?

We partner with our communities to identify locally appropriate and preferred end markets. 

Overall, our Program prioritizes mechanical end markets, which means using the hard-to-recycle plastics to make items such as building products, construction materials, and plastic lumber. Our end-market partners have included ByFusion and Solutions Plastic Lumber and decking products. 

In the uncommon event that collected materials may not be processed in mechanical end markets, due to their contamination, we may use other methods such as a coal replacement in a cement kiln. 

In all cases, our team has conducted research to make sure any recycling method we use is better for the environment than simply landfilling.

Why should we trust the LCA? How do we know if the results are objective?

An independent third party conducts our LCA, following strict international criteria established under ISO 14044 standards. This included a critical review and verification process conducted by a panel of experts outside Reynolds Consumer Products®. 

For more information about the criteria, visit www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:14044:ed-1:v1:en

Why is a plastic bag needed for this Program?

The orange bag is specially designed to help keep all the loose, hard-to-recycle plastics separate from the other materials collected by municipal materials recovery facilities (MRFs) at curbside or drop-off locations. The bag is tough enough to withstand transportation and processing, and the bright color helps make it easy for recycling facilities to identify and separate the hard-to-recycle plastics so they don’t contaminate metal, glass, paper, and other recyclables collected at the curbside or drop-off locations. 

The bag must be plastic for the Program to work. Any other material would contaminate the hard-to-recycle plastics inside the bag. The orange bag is made with 20% recycled materials and is recycled along with its contents.

In the news

Explore how the Hefty ReNew Program is making a difference to reduce waste in landfills and giving new life to hard-to-recycle products in participating communities. 

Get involved

Looking to involve your kids and neighbors in the Hefty ReNew Program? Our educational materials can help make recycling enjoyable and accessible for all.